Awesome of Oz – new music video is coming soon!

A year ago, we embarked on a journey deep into the heart of Australia. We travelled with friends in two cars.

Realising that we probably wouldn’t be able to repeat such an adventure anytime soon, we decided to shoot a music video while we were at it. Luckily, we had just the perfect song for it – 🍺“Awesome of Oz”🍺. And where else could we film a music video for such a song but in the Australian outback?

So, we put our plan into action. We came up with a simple plot, borrowed some ripped jeans from Anya’s daughter, and bought some props. It seemed like a piece of cake – beautiful locations, roll the camera – easy peasy. But as the saying goes,”expectation vs. reality.” It turned out to be not so simple to find time in our jam-packed schedule of traveling from one place to another, let alone be at the right spot with the perfect lighting and hoping for good weather. We witnessed a flood in the desert and ended up being rained on in a place where, according to statistics, it only rains two days a year.

Nevertheless, we eventually pulled it off, and the music video is ready and will released this week!

During the editing process, we realised that almost every scene was accompanied by some amusing story πŸ˜†. So, we decided to gather these stories under the hashtag #AwesomeOfOz.

Don’t miss the premiere of the music video and stay tuned!