Черно-белый мир (Black and White World)

Record Tracklist

  1. Черно-белый мир (Black and White World) -:-- / 5:40

The title track sets the tone for the album, exploring the loss of nuance in a world divided by war.

VGmates deliver an electronic marvel with Черно-белый мир (Black and White World), a track that seamlessly fuses haunting atmospheres with rhythmic brilliance. Right from the opening notes, the track surrounds the audience in a haunting yet grand atmosphere, with lingering atmospheric synths crafting a sound landscape that appears both cinematic and surreal. The slow percussive accumulation hidden in the background introduces a sense of tension, seamlessly evolving into a bold rhythmic base. The synth progression, echoing a climax from an action film, enhances the track’s energetic dynamics, while the transition from an ambient-focused layout to a groove-oriented setup is simply flawless. Each component; throbbing basslines, elaborate rhythmic details, and sparkling guitar melodies merges effortlessly to craft a captivating auditory experience that stays both consistent and thrilling.

The performance of the lead singer adds an additional dimension, conveying the song’s lyrical spirit with an outstanding mix of emotion and mastery. The interaction between the vocals and the instruments is skillfully done, providing a balance of strength and nuance. Harmonies that resonate like orchestral surges introduce a fresh depth, elevating the song’s majesty while preserving an irresistible rhythmic cadence. Subtle rhythmic details and seamless transitions enhance the track’s complexity, guaranteeing that each play reveals something different. As an opening statement for the album, Черно-белый мир (Black and White World) is a bold and captivating introduction, one that promises an electrifying musical experience ahead.

Dulaxi (read full review)

BLACK AND WHITE WORLD (Lyrics translation)

Verse 1:

In the dark,
You barely see the colours anymore,
You barely recognise yourself.
You can’t tell who’s a friend, who’s a foe.

Darkness creeps in,
While it seems there’s still light in the air,
While you hope it will always stay there,
But the space around you suddenly fades.

Chorus 1:

And now you’re rushing full speed ahead,
Through air soaked in black despair.
Into the void, where an indifferent gaze awaits,
From the Black and White World.

Verse 2:

How absurd, how bizarre,
To paint bridges in rainbow hues,
To leave love and flowers behind,
Where the last trace of light has dissolved.

That light has been snuffed out.
Was this world ever ours?
It’s all just a joke, none of it matters,
There’s no one left to see their colours.

Chorus 2:

Those who gave up now mock and sneer
At those who believe they can persevere,
Hiding under baseboards, caged in their homes of fear…
In the Black and White World.

Verse 3:

In the black smoke of the fires,
White ash in the rubble of ruins,
The dead lie in secret graves.
What once was can never be hidden.

No doubt,
There are endless shared opinions,
Worries and regrets abound,
And it all seems just the same as before…

Chorus 3:

But then you awaken and suddenly find,
An invitation awaits you to the feast,
Written in black, in blood on the rust-coloured dust…
To the Black and White World.